Do You Know How to Choose the Best Therapy for Your Child with Autism?

At AutherapiesProject, we are preparing a series of modules to help you learn more about the best therapies—evidence-based therapies. Open Europe is working on the development of Module 2: How to Identify Evidence-Based Interventions.

Do you know how many therapies families choose for their children without any scientific evidence? Many. In fact, I can tell you it’s a lot.

Another activity of this European Union-funded project is the creation of a database. This database focuses on various areas and investigates therapies that are beneficial—or harmful—for people with autism.

The areas being addressed by the project partners include:

1. Support for caregivers and families

2. Speech, language, and communication

3. Self-management

4. Social and community life

5. Education and profession

6. Interactions and interpersonal relationships

7. Cognitive functions

8. Sleep disturbances

9. Behavioral issues

10. Mental health

11. Motor skills and mobility

12. Physical exercise and fitness

13. Activities of daily living

14. Nutrition

15. General autism symptoms and diagnosis

16. Sexual functions and intimate relationships

Within each area, we will present a series of therapies that are used to treat autism