Autherapies | Evidence-based therapies

Educational assessment


All parties involved in the care and support of children, young adults, and adults with a learning disability, including family members and caregivers, should comprehend the risk of behavior that challenges and its often gradual development. It is crucial to observe and document factors that may heighten this risk, including personal factors such as severe learning disability, autism, dementia, communication difficulties (both expressive and receptive), visual impairment (which can lead to increased self-injury and stereotypy), physical health issues, and variations with age (peaking in the teenage and twenties). Additionally, environmental factors such as abusive or restrictive social settings, environments with excessive or insufficient sensory stimulation, and those with low engagement levels (e.g., minimal interaction with staff) should be noted. Developmentally inappropriate settings, like curriculums demanding too much from a child or young person, as well as environments fostering disrespectful social relationships and poor communication or where staff lack the capacity or resources to meet individuals' needs, should be considered. Changes in the person's environment, such as significant staff turnover or transitioning to a new care setting, also warrant attention and documentation.


Gottlieb, R. (2020). School Psychologists and Autism: Current Understanding and Opportunities for Improving Assessment Practices. Hofstra University.

Hall, T. E., Meyer, A., & Rose, D. H. (Eds.). (2012). Universal design for learning in the classroom: Practical applications. Guilford press.

Wilkinson, L. A. (2016). A best practice guide to assessment and intervention for autism spectrum disorder in schools. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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