Comparison of evidence-based therapies in autism, online database and competency definition
The main tangible outputs of this second work package result in the open database that bring together all the information collected on evidence-based therapies in an organised and accessible way.
226-ABA Applied Behaviour Analysis
227-Animal-assisted therapy
228-Digestive enzymes
229-Discrete Trial Training
230-Developmental Social Pragmatic model
231-Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention
232-Elimination diet
233-Functional Communication Training
234-Incidental Teaching
235-Integrated Listening System program
236-Intensive Interaction
237-JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement and Regulation) therapy
238-Key Word Sign
239-Lovaas Program
240-More than words
241-Music therapy
243-PACT (Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy)